The Fifth Wall Interactive theater for the 21st century.

Q&A: The Perception of Dawn

June 21 – July 12, 2008
The Brick Theater, Brooklyn, NY
part of The Film Festival: A Theater Festival

Created by Danny Bowes and Gyda Arber
Starring Gyda Arber, Danny Bowes, Becky Comtois, Jorge Cordova, Michael Criscuolo, and Ken Simon

The question and answer session for the independent film The Perception of Dawn rapidly devolves into a grudge match between the writer, director, producer, and actors . . . will anyone make it out unscathed? The audience determines how it all goes down, as they ask the questions in the question & answer session.

75 minutes

“The whole construct of the play is quite ingenious. Using the real audience as a mock audience, with a few who are lucky enough to participate, it is the interactive element of Q & A that makes it so enjoyable.”—

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